Ten years ago deep in the jungles of Nicaragua. Can a memory seem both vividly immediate and simultaneously distant. We’d spent a long day travelling into the Bosawas Biosphere crammed into a single canoe. In the morning we’d experienced incredible showers of tropical rain and then later in the afternoon the heat returned and the sun baked our backs and exposed necks. That evening still a fair distance from our destination we pitched up at our canoe skipper’s small farmstead, a collection of little houses on a hill in the forest, to spend the night. I’m checking everything is working and the wires are all good, after having water sloshing around in the canoe all day, we and our gear were perpetually wet. The challenges of working in rainforests is humidity and moisture, generally speaking everything around you, and our thick skinned waterproof sacks, which we bagged everything into were incredibly useful. They lasted several demanding trips. I still have one of them, the last of three, residing in the kit cupboard by the outdoor gear and hammocks.