Shaw Theatre, London

A special treat, sat high above the stage and audience in the Shaw Theatre just opposite the British Library on Euston Road. There was an interesting debate hosted by the Royal Society of Philosophy, it was being filmed and it required me being upstairs, behind a labyrinth of narrow passages and stairs, tucked cosily in the sound/lighting box with Jo the wonderful lighting guy, recording the speakers. It reminded me of the old days way back studying Technical Theatre back in college when I was a wee lad. Lots of fond memories of long week nights hidden above the theatre stage in the sound/lighting box, usually with a group of young talented hands, all learning the art of theatre, drinking and smoking roll ups. Those first tentative steps into the world of creating and broadcasting.

On the road to Albert Hall, South Kensington, London

Sometimes when you do sound for film and TV you can’t help but feel a little bit like a Christmas tree, there’s so much hanging off of you, or wired and tapped to other people, or clipped into cameras. One vast accessory store for the noises you hear on the TV box, no wonder sound bags these days resemble a portable office, with pockets like drawers and filing cabinets.