Over the years I've recorded many sounds in different locations around the world. This collection of recordings aims to highlight the unique 'voices of a place'.
It’s such a charismatic sound and it’s pretty loud, the call of the weaver bird. One time filming in the Amazon we were staying with a community on the Trombetos river, deep in the jungle, a lovely little place, super friendly locals, who were a mix of indigenous and black Quilombola. Up the track from the river, in a little guest house, we slung our hammocks and made ourselves at home. A tree near by was positively crowded by these charismatic jet black birds, their complicatedly woven nests slung nearly dangling trepidatiously under the branches. One morning, in a fuzz of heat and drizzle, I had an opportunity to roll some audio of their rather chaotic and slightly balmy goings on. It seems that in an Oropendola colony there's a lot of to-ing and fro-ing as regards to who's the boss.